Overcoming Barriers to Student Understanding PDF Free
Overcoming Barriers to Student Understanding PDF By:Jan Meyer,Ray Land Published on 2006-09-27 by Routledge It has long been a matter of concern to teachers in higher education why certain students ‘get stuck’ at particular points in the curriculum whilst others grasp concepts with comparative ease. What accounts for this variation in student performance and, more importantly, how can teachers change their teaching and courses to help students overcome such barriers? This book examines the difficulties of student learning and offers advice on how to overcome them through course design, assessment practice and teaching methods. It also provides innovative case material from a wide range of institutions and disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, the sciences and economics. This Book was ranked at 6 by Google Books for keyword biggs education theory. Book ID of Overcoming Barriers to Student Understanding's Books is BK0ujc6zK58C, Book which was written byJan Mey...